
Indulge In {Grilled Oysters}

Oysters are a staple in any Floridian's diet. Nothing can beat a fresh oyster brought in from the bay that day, cooked to perfections, served atop a saltine cracker with a dab of hot sauce and melted butter. They may look gross to start covered in mud and muck, but once cleaned, there's nothing better. Something I've learned over the years though is that very few people actually know how to properly cook an oyster. While many may enjoy raw, I prefer them steamed. If you don't have a steamer at home though that puts you in a bit of a predicament. The key is your gas grill and it's really pretty simple and fool proof. They don't take too long either making them a perfect party food with a big impression. Serve them on the half shell with a platter of crackers, a bottle of Crystal hot sauce and a bit of melted butter and guests will surely be impressed. Here's the how-to on cooking and shucking...

:: Ingredients ::
Raw Oysters

:: Directions ::
1. Place oysters on a hot grill cup side down. Close lid and let oysters cook until opened. About five minutes for small oysters and a few minutes longer for large oysters. Remove from grill, shuck and enjoy.

*Note: Oysters will not open all the way like muscles. They will only open slightly, enough to pry open with an oyster knife. Keep in mind that once cooked, if oysters are not open, do not eat!

:: Shucking ::
Shucking an oyster can be quite a task if you don't know what you are doing. Cover the palm of your hand with a wash cloth. Place oyster in the palm of your hand and with your oyster knife, pry open where oyster has opened slightly. This usually (but not always) occurs at one of the ends of the oyster. Opening will take a bit of effort so don't be scared if you have to force it a bit. Once you open your first though, you'll be a pro!

Have a delicious Thursday!

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