
Let's Get Crafty {Closet Clean Out}

Does anybody else start out the new year by doing a full closet clean out and reorganization? I do for sure! After the holidays and all the sales, it seems my wardrobe tends to double while my closet space does not. Every year I struggle to get rid of pieces I love, but if you never wear them, then what's the point in keeping them? I have one big rule when cleaning out my closet and that is if I haven't worn it in 6 months to a year (with the exception of special occasion pieces), get rid of it. The same goes with shoes and accessories. Another important factor is does it fit? If the answer is no, give it to Goodwill. Don't keep your skinny jeans expecting to fit into them by the end of the year because that was your new year's resolution. When you reach the point you can fit into them, you will feel so good about yourself, you won't want your old skinny jeans anymore. You'll want new ones!

While you think cleaning out may be the hardest part, don't forget you still have to organize. When hanging clothes, I suggest (and practice) hanging them by color going from light to dark keeping tops and bottoms separate. Within each color, tops should be hung with the shortest sleeve and lightest material first. Bottoms are the same, shortest length and lightest material first. I know that seems a little complicated, but what can I say, I was a merchandising major. And trust me, when you closet is well merchandised, you have a bigger desire to throw on more than gym clothes in the morning! I also suggest investing in decorative storage boxes for accessories and miscellaneous items. 


Happy Organizing! 

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