
I Will Survive!

I know it's hard to believe that you could actually forget something on your wedding day, but trust me, you will. I'm not saying it's going to be something big you forget. It's probably something small like your toothbrush or Kleenex. And it's not because you're forgetful, it's just because it's the small things that you take for granite every day and naturally assume will be around you on your big day. Well, no worries. I have prepped a Bridal Survival Kit for you! A kit of all the things you never thought you would need or be without on your wedding day. Here's what you'll need...

{1} Chalk: Chalk is actually perfect for covering up blemishes on your gown. Obviously the ideal would be that nothing get on it, but that rarely happens. Chalk is perfect for cases like this.

{2} Breath Mints: Listen, you don't want your significant other's only memory of your first kiss as a married couple to be of your bad breath.

{3} Tissues: Because even with waterproof mascara and eyeliner, you still don't want tears to be running down your face.

{4} Band-Aids: Just incase those incredibly gorgeous heels you are wearing decide to give you blisters.

{5} Deodorant: For obvious reasons of course. No one likes a smelly bride.

{6} Lip Gloss: Just so you have soft, luscious looking lips that scream kiss me!

{7} Mini Sewing Kit: Always handy for fixing a quick seam, sewing on a fallen bead, or maybe even fixing that bridesmaid's broken dress strap.

{8} Safety Pins: For the same reasons you have that mini sewing kit. Except safety pins are much quicker and can pin up a groomsman's pants when the tux place gives him the wrong size!

{9} Bobby Pins: It's hot. Your bangs are falling in your face. You have that one strand of hair that just won't stay in place. Trust me, you always need a bobby pin.

{10} Advil: This is more for the day after. Or maybe for that headache that won't go away because your mother or future mother-in-law won't stay away from you...

Interested in purchasing an Events Uncorked "Bridal Survival Kit" for $30? Send me an email and I'd be happy to send one you're way!

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