
Dining Uncorked {Spinach and Pea Risotto}

Yum, yum, yum. I love risotto! Creamy, rich, delicious, and if you ask me, not really that bad for you. I know you are thinking I'm crazy right now because I just told you that it was creamy, rich, delicious and good for you all in one sentence. Well here's the thing. There is no cream or heavy use of cheese in my version of risotto (I'm severely allergic to cow's milk if you don't remember.) Basically it's just risotto rice, chicken broth, onion, garlic, and whatever veggies you want to add. Or maybe a protein too. I skipped the protein this time because we didn't have any and I was too lazy to go to the store and buy some. Here's my recipe...

1 small onion (chopped)
2 cloves of garlic (minced)
1 box of risotto rice (you can find it with all the other rice, in a box that says risotto on the front)
1 package frozen chopped spinach
1/2 bag frozen green peas
2 boxes of chicken broth
Olive Oil
Salt and Pepper to taste

{Step 1} Saute your chopped onions in the olive oil. 
{Step 2} When the onions are almost clear, add in the garlic and continue to cook until fragrant
{Step 3} Add in the risotto. Stir frequently for approximately 1 minute.
{Step 4} Pour in a bit of chicken broth. Stir until almost absorbed. Continue to wet with chicken broth until the risotto is cooked.
{Step 5} Add in the spinach and the peas.
{Step 6} Serve immediately, and garnish with a bit of the Peccorino Romano.
{Step 7} Enjoy!

Shredded Peccorino Romano cheese (It's sheep's milk, so we are totally in the clear.)

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