Personally, I think a chevron stripe is both classic and fun. I considered it for my new business cards, used it on an invitation, and love it on that cake in the top left corner. They really have a place in every aspect of life if you ask me. And, I'm moving into my a new place in a month or so and can't wait to start decorating. So naturally I'm dreaming of throwing up a chevron anywhere I can. But, the problem is, it's not very gender friendly. Basically, I'm living vicariously through the chevron stripes in this post! But, here is my plan...use it on the fabric for the curtains or maybe a tablecloth that I bust out for weekend get togethers, or even do a little craft project and paint it onto a vase! Plus the way I see it, if I put it only in little accessories like that, I can use it for parties!
I LOVE chevron! i've seen a cute DIY for painting a chevron rug that I think I want to work into my kitchen