I know it can be difficult deciding what to wear to a wedding. The possibilities are always endless. Not to mention you have to factor in what the appropriate dress for the occasion actually is. While there are weddings at every time of the day in every possible location, each requiring a different appropriate dress category, there are few main ones that I will help you out with a bit.
{Black Tie}: If the invitation denotes that black tie attire is required, it simple means that men will be in tuxes and ladies in formal gowns. When it is a black tie affair, the gown should go to the ground. It is not appropriate in this type of environment to wear a short gown. Gentlemen, you do not need to necessarily be in a full on tux, but you should at least be in a tux pants, jacket and either a bow tie (my favorite!) or a tux tie (yes, there is a difference).
{Formal}: Actually different than black tie. When formal wear is requested, it is acceptable for ladies to wear a either a short, formal gown or a long gown. Gents, wear your best suit. But try to kick it up a notch from what you wear to work!
{Casual}: With a casual wedding, men should be in dress pants, dress shirt, and tie. No jacket required. Ladies, break out a nice dress. Nothing to over the top but nothing too casual either. We aren't running errands here. This is a wedding.
{Nothing Mentioned}: If no dress code is designated on the invitation, go based on the time of day and location. The later into the evening, the more formal the ceremony. However, if it is at night and on the beach, for example, you can definitely be in casual attire. If the wedding is outdoors, gents should be comfortable. Personally, I think it's rude if you expect your guests to be in formal attire or a pants suit while standing in the heat. It's just flat out uncomfortable!
While the list of scenarios for what to wear could go on for miles, I'm going to leave you with that for now!
Want to know exactly what to wear your next wedding or party, leave a comment and I'll be glad to help!
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